

写一篇80字的英语作文 作文题目:印象最深刻的一件事

My Most Unforgettable Thing Everyone has his most unforgettable thing.Last week,I came across a stray dog when I was taking a walk in my neighborhood.It was a cold day,and there was nobody around.I stopped and he looked at me helplessly.“What a poor dog!” I thought.Then I decided to bring him home.When we got back home,I gave him some food and drinks and played with him,but it seemed that he was a little sad.I knew he was missing his owner.What could I do?I came up with an idea.Then I put up a ‘Dog-Found-Notice’ at the gate of our neighborhood with the help of Dad.A few days later,the owner of the dog came to my house.I was very happy to see the little dog go home with his owner,and I feel proud that I was able to give others a helping hand. 上周当印象最深的一篇软文英语我在社区散步时遇到了一只流浪狗,天气很冷,周围没有人.我停了下来,印象最深的一篇软文英语他无助地望着我.我想“多么可怜的狗呀!”然后我决定把他带回家.当我们回到家,我喂给他吃的,给他喝的,并和他一起玩耍.但他似乎有点悲伤.我知道他在想念他的主人.我该怎么做?我想到了个注意.然后我在父亲的帮助下在小区门口贴了个寻狗启示.几天后,狗的主人来到我家,我非常高兴看到小狗随主人回了家.给他人帮助我感到很自豪.


In the winter vacation,I experienced of many things.Have your sorrow,a new…In my memory,or the most profound about that.

My mother bought me a bike,in order to learning,I dropped several times.Mother encouraged me.I lift up the car and sat up,mother in front to help me hold steady bibcock,I stamped on the pedals.Mother and I speak the edge of riding a bike three points:”first,not under the car,to see; the second,don’t put ahead of him,so easy to tap wrestling,only in the obstacles and when it turned a little; third,the foot to keep on,can’t stop.” I according to the mother’s words to do it,after a while,mother let go,I unexpectedly his ride up.And has been put the bike ride home,and I can’t believe it,I learned to ride a bicycle.

This time I learned the same ability not only,more important is to understand the only unremitting,to succeed in truth.






印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇1

Life happens all kinds of things every day some things we may forgetbut there are some things you can not forget.

There is one thing I won’t forget forever. It is the birth of my little sister. Before she comes to the world I have imagined thousand times what she looks. In fact although I have guessed so many times I still couldn’t hit the point. I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle. But she just likes an angel. Seeing her I feel my heart get warm right away. I couldn’t forget the moment I saw her.

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇2

The door opened. and in came the English teacher Mr.Yang.He said we had made remarkal progress in the last exam before NCEEwith a certain boy being the top. Everyone was guessing who it was until at last Iagain couldn’t help tears. tears of joy.

Three months before on a similar occasion. Mr. Yang seriously declared that the results of the final exam were disappointing with a certain boy being at the bottom and suggested guessing who it was. Suddenly I found all the eyes were fixed upon me. Feeling it unbearable,I couldn’t keep back tears of humiliation Class over Mr. Yang apologized for not keeping it a secret. So we decided to

catch up with the others by having extra remedial lessons. Painstaking efforts proved fruitful resulting in the joy mentioned above.

I owe my progress to the incident of humiliationwhich was so impressive that it will be buried in my heart forever.

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇3

There is one thing I still remember now.It is the first day I went to the zoo.

When I was only five years old my mother took me there. I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day. But on my way home I began to feel sorry for them. They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature. They must have felt lonely I thought. Every day the only thing they could do was to sit there and wait for food.

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇4

There were all sorts of things that happened to me when I was growing up, some I saw, some I heard, some I experienced, but one of the things that stood out most to me was going to the ski resort last year.

Remember that day, just to the ski resort, I was fascinated by the scenery in front of me, I can’t wait to put on the ski shoes, step on the skis, take the snow fight, began to ski. At first, I struggle to move, not to slide up, next to the uncle looked at my anxious appearance, hurriedly said to me: “children, as long as you bend over, arm force a little, you can slide up.” I did as my uncle said, and indeed I slipped up. I kept practicing and became more and more skillful. So, I stood on the “magic carpet”, riding it to the top of the slope, standing on the top, my heart beat very fast, I took a long breath, began to downhill, halfway I fell twice, I don’t want to slide again, but my mother encouraged me, said: “children, don’t lose heart, you are great! Do it again!” The second time, I didn’t fall. Next, I slid several more times, all successfully reached the bottom of the slope.

Ah! Skiing is fun! Now think of it let me aftertaste endless……

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇5

Everyone has the most impressive thing, and I am no exception. In the summer vacation, one of the most impressive things in my mind is “raising fish”.

One day, my father went to his colleague’s home to play. When he came back, his colleague kindly sent him a few small fish. In order to raise these small fish, my father specially drove to the market, bought a small and delicate aquarium and a box of feed back. Seeing these colorful, beautiful fish, I jumped up with joy, tightly hugged my father asked: “let me take care of these fish!”

Every day as soon as I get up, I can’t wait to rush to the fish box, say hello to my precious fish, and observe whether they are healthy? Then they were fed fodder. As soon as the fish saw the feed, they fell over each other to snatch it, completely forgetting that they are elegant gentlemen and ladies. Watching them swim freely in the water, I danced for joy.

Although it is a small “aquarium” but changed my life, it changed my morning “lie in bed” bad habits, but also let my life become colorful. When I am unhappy, as long as I see these lovely little fish, my troubles will be swept away. Finally, I want to thank my father for sending me such a “valuable” gift.

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇6

Open my album, see a lot of photos, think of an interesting thing. But what impressed me most was…

One afternoon seven years ago, my mother wanted me to pick some vegetables in our small vegetable garden. She said she would pick just one plate.

She first gave me a small basket, I sat on a small stool, put on my shoes. Ready to pick vegetables.

To the vegetable garden, I saw my mother asked me to pick the food, I quickly ran past, the results first fell a “dog bite mud”. I stood up tenaciously again.

I went to pick vegetables, because I was only five years old at the time, so I didn’t know what a plate was. All I think is to pick more anyway.

After I think well, began to pick “vegetables”. I grabbed first and pulled hard. “Yi? How can not pull out.”

Finally, I finally tried my best to pull out, I finished picking, back home. As soon as my mother saw me, she asked, “Did you fall? So dirty.” I nodded warily.

My mother saw me pick the “food” said: “Meng Meng you pick really is food? It’s grass!”

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life and this is the one that stands out to me the most.

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇7

This happened when I was 12 years old. I remembered the fourth grade of my class. I had a good time chatting with my classmates.

That morning, I chatted with Qian Yi. I was very worried and found it difficult to learn Chinese and maths. Please teach me to learn, teach me to learn to remember the group of words, math has multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, etc. I learn to understand then good! I understand it is very simple to write math and finish the homework for the teacher to collect. Later I try my best to learn math problems, next time I will be able to teach students math problems. Thank qianyi for teaching me math problems, the end of the teacher praised me is a good student.

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇8

A twinkling of an eye first past the third grade many past events are like washed away by the river, can not remember only one thing, and I remember very clearly that thing is – like the most profound one thing.

It was a final exam and I didn’t do very well. I only got a score in the 90s. I think: this home must be said for sure.

As soon as I got home, I picked up the magic pen and turned the paper full of red crosses and red circles and ninety-seven points into a hundred percent paper and a big match.

Dad came home and asked me how the test test I took out the paper dad carefully looked at the results – was dad saw clip.

I was told by my father all afternoon.

I dare not again!

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇9

It happened one night…

“Ah! 39 degrees! Get to the hospital!” “Said the mother anxiously. Hurriedly carrying me, riding on the car, “shua” of the way to the hospital. Because it was urgent, my mother almost got fined for running a red light.

At the hospital, a tall, bespectacled male doctor examined me and wrote out a prescription. Mother took the salt water, antipyretic medicine, race against time “shua” to run the first floor, second floor, third floor…… When he reached the place where the salt water was hanging, he sat down to rest.

When hanging salt water, my mother gave me water, sweat, take a book…… Always by my side.

Finally at about 10:30, the salt water “dried up”, I was relieved, then I saw my mother’s face ooze beans big beads of sweat, but she just wiped the sweat to send me home.

The incident still sticks in my mind.

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇10

Years ago, my father and I went back to the hometown of Fengyang, Anhui Province to drink the wedding, on the way home I saw the highway written Ningluo high-speed, I do not know what it means, and then asked my father to know that is from Nanjing to Luoyang high-speed. Ning is the abbreviation of Nanjing, Luo is the abbreviation of Luoyang, and Shanghai is the abbreviation of Shanghai, I learned the knowledge again, ha ha!

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, it was my seventh birthday. My mother bought me a cake made of blue jam and white cream chocolate. It was beautiful! I can’t bear to eat it.

I also participated in the aunt’s wedding, aunt’s wedding is held in the church, sacred and solemn, I and good friend Zhao Yaqi when flower girl, help aunt pull skirt, there are a lot of people have attended. When I had a meal, I was so happy that I drank several big cups of orange fruit. I had loose bowels in the afternoon, which was very serious. I also knew that I was wrong, and I would never drink so many cold drinks again.

印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 篇11

There is one thing I still remember now。It is the first day I went to the zoo。

When I was only five years old my mother took me there. I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day. But on my way home I began to feel sorry for them. They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature. They must have felt lonely I thought. Every day the only thing they could do was to sit there and wait for food.









































































































哪位高手能帮我用英语写一篇200字的英语作文。 题目是 从小到大印象最深刻的事 最好能是自己写的,真实一

In my memory, I have been through a lot of things, someone was delighted, some is redundant woodworkers, also some things a tears. Among them, I a person lives, impressed me. That night, dad and mom out, home left me. Although to mom and dad said not afraid, but when they go, I then scared. My homework first, doing, doing, I suddenly heard “dong honest;… dong…” Voice, my first reaction was: home to the ghosts, although I know that there is no demons, but I still like the spell. I was frightened, and even the atmospheric also dare not out, heart pounding, like a rabbit in my heart bouncing around, total feel a disaster always can be difficult to hit my head ?

翻印在我的记忆里,我经历过不少的事,有的令人兴高采烈,有的令人怒发冲冠,也有的事令人泪流满面。其中,我一个人住时,让我印象最深刻。 那天晚上,爸爸妈妈出门了,家里只留下我一个人。虽然对爸爸妈妈说不怕,可当他们走后,我便害怕起来。我先做作业,做着,做着,突然听见“咚¬……咚……”的声音,我第一反应就是:家里来鬼了,虽然我知道世上没有鬼,但依然像着了魔似的。我害怕极了,连大气也不敢出,心里砰砰直跳,仿佛有小兔子在心里蹦来蹦去,总觉得有个灾难随时都可难砸到我的头上。好不容易克服住了害怕,认真一听,原来是水龙头在滴水的声音呀! 看来不能这么胆小,要锻炼锻炼自己的胆量。


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